I wanted to drop you a line to thank you – once again! – for such informative and professional presentations. I will look forward to attending other days and Info Bursts in future as I’m finding them really inspiring as a way of continuing my professional development.
I’ve been so impressed by the high standards of the lecturers the LCGD attract and once again I left today feeling buoyed up by all your fantastic input – thank you!
Your courses have been brilliant, more of the same please!
Just wanted to say thanks for running a great course. For me it was of great benefit for me to review my business with confidence. It was also good to hear other peoples experiences and that I am not alone.

Thank you for a superb lecture and workshop day – brilliant ideas and suggestions and thank you also for taking the time in answering some particular questions I had.
I obtained a huge amount of useful information and it was just a wonderful opportunity to network and talk about work with others.
Wow that was really good. Very informative, very interesting and gave you access to information that you would never normally have a chance get. I really admire James and Sarah for talking so openly and, therefore, so valuably.
Thanks for a very inspiring day of talks
What a really superb day Saturday was. Thought provoking and fascinating. I thought that it was an excellent mix of speakers and topics. No doom and gloom … but real answers to some of these huge questions from a variety of angles. I loved the fact that it was a small audience – it was a really high caliber one – and the venue helped to make it feel as though we were all part of a group of like indeed people not just a herd to be talked at.