Leading tutors
It is important to us that every one of our tutors is a practising professional. So not only will you receive tuition from Andrew Wilson and James Aldridge on the Garden Design Diploma, you’ll also work with tutors such as Jo Thompson and Adam White, technical specialists such as Fiona Silk, Dan Flynn and Paul Hensey, and award-winning designers including Kate Gould, Tom Massey and Joe Perkins.

London College of Garden Design, Kew Gardens
We aim to employ the best computer aided design (CAD) tutors because it’s an essential skill if you are to succeed in your career. Training in SketchUp and Vectorworks, industry standard software, is included in the Garden Design Diploma Course at no extra cost. Studio days will see you working individually and in small groups with a number of tutors as we believe that it is important to have tutors available to support you on these creative days. Indeed, on a typical studio day you can expect to have not just a design specialist but also CAD and other experts to link in with the assessments being taken at the time.
On our Planting Design Diploma we have a similarly high level of tutor-to-student ratio. Course leader Nina Baxter is an RHS Chair of Show Judges, well-known for her planting design work and leads studio sessions as well as teaching. She is joined by some of the UK’s leading planting design professionals including Andrew Fisher Tomlin, Nigel Dunnett and Chris Beardshaw as well as award-winning planting designers such as Jo Thompson, Carolyn Willitts, Charlotte Harris and Paul Hervey-Brookes. Sustainable solutions are an important part of our work and so training takes account of this, alongside the need to create practical solutions that support your design business.
Get to know our tutors. See their profiles and learn more.